Akhe | Russia

ca. 60 min
without words
Visual Theatre | Object Theatre | Performance
Direction, Stage: Akhe | Performance: Maxim Isaev, Nikolay Khamov, Pavel Semchenko | Music: Denis Antonov | Lighting design: Vadim Gololobov, Alexander Golubev | Video: Kirill Malovichko | Management: Vadim Gololobov
Performance riot against the dictates of space – the Russian theatre-engineers of Akhe are aware of the secret that no dictator knows about: To unite people, you have to make them happy! Therefore, the revolution suddenly turns into a foam-party and the crowd is dancing to the ecstatic sounds of a violent DJ. While Akhe presented their celebrated performance series “Between Two” in 2017 at the Thalermühle, they will spread out across Erlangen (E-Werk, Parking Deck Großparkplatz, Experimentiertheater) this year to perform their trilogy “Demokratie“, “Utopie” and “Diktatur”.