To enable deaf and hearing impaired audiences to participate at the international, a selection of performances in Erlangen, Nuremberg and Fürth will be presented with German sign language interpretation. A contingent of seats has been reserved to insure good sight of both the performances and the interpreters. Tickets cannot be bought online or at the advance ticket offices and we kindly ask to contact the festival at or by fax to 09131 86-1411. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
Below you can find an overview of all performances presented with German sign language interpretation. PLEASE NOTE: Due to technical reasons all performance dates of the piece are displayed. Sessions offered with interpretation are clearly denoted.
Since puppet, object and image theatre functions essentially on a visual level, many performances do without or with little spoken language and are hence inherently suitable for hearing impaired audiences (this does of course not apply for performances essentially depending on music and sounds). An overview of all these performances can be found in the category “without words”.
In addition, some of the international companies present their performances in the original language with German surtitles – these pieces can generally also be recommended to audiences with hearing impairment. An overview of all surtitled productions can be found in the category “surtitles”.
We look forward to welcoming you at the 21st international!

Fri. 24.05. 18:00 · Sat. 25.05. 14:00 and 18:00 · Tue. 28.05. bis Fri. 31.05. 18:00 · Sat. 01.06. 14:00 and 18:00
Rimini Protokoll | Germany
DO's & DON'Ts
ca. 120 min
June 1, 2 pm – with sign language interpretation
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Sun. 26.05. 11:00
Theater Gustavs Schwestern | Switzerland
Konrad, das Kind aus der Konservenbüchse
ca. 50 min
Ages 5+
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Tue. 28.05. 17:00 · Wed. 29.05. 15:00 and 19:00
Theater Chemnitz | Germany
Wenn mich einer fragte …
ca. 75 min
May 28 – with sign language interpretation | May 29 – with audiodescription
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