Julika Mayer + Mylène Benoit | Germany / France

Sat. 01.06. – 18:00
Markgrafentheater Oberes Foyer | Tickets
Sun. 02.06. – 18:00
Markgrafentheater Oberes Foyer | Tickets
ca. 40 min
Puppet Theatre | Dance
Commissioned by Sujets à Vif / Festival d’Avignon 2018 | In co-production with SACD, Festival d’Avignon, L’echangeur-CDCN Hauts de France, international figuren.theater.festival Erlangen, FITZ! Zentrum für Figurentheater Stuttgart, Le Vivat scène conventionnée danse et théâtre d’Armentières, TJP CDN Straßburg | Supported by Institut français and the French Ministry for Culture and Communication / DGCA with funds by Fonds Transfabrik
Concept, Performance: Mylène Benoit, Julika Mayer | Artistic Collaboration: Magda Kachouche | Scripts: Patricia Mitton, Julika Mayer (German translation) | Production: Contour Progressif | Touring: Frauke Niemann | Many thanks to: Antje Töpfer, Florian Feisel, Arnaud Louskipane, Janusz Debinski, Michael Vogel, Max Legoubé and Renaud Herbin
“Georges“ is a performative etude on the invisibility of the dead in our Western world. Using both dance and puppetry, Julika Mayer and Mylène Benoit explore whether and how one can succeed in welcoming the deceased’s presence. What if the dead supported us? Comforted us? What if they were just there, present, full of wit and humour?