Akhe | Russia

ca. 60 min
in easily comprehensible English
Visual Theatre | Object Theatre
Direction, Stage: Akhe | Performance: Maxim Isaev, Nikolay Khamov, Pavel Semchenko | Lighting design: Vadim Gololobov, Alexander Golubev | Music: Denis Antonov | Management: Vadim Gololobov
Oil as a lubricant of the new world order, with which “Democracy“ – the victorious slogan of the 20th century – is inseparably linked. The Russian performers of Akhe engineering theatre literally dive into it and make the barrels spill. Equipped with knives, sponges made out of bread and sticky graffiti, they celebrate a harsh farewell to the world as we know it.
After their celebrated performance series “Between Two”, Akhe will return with their trilogy „Demokratie“ – „Utopie“ – „Diktatur“ for this year’s edition of the festival.