Compagnie Mossoux-Bonté | Belgium
The Great He-Goat

ca. 75 min
without words
Visual Theatre | Dance | Object Theatre
In Co-production with Charleroi Danse – Centre chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, La Briqueterie – CDCN du Val-de-Marne, Le Théâtre de Rungis, La Coop asbl, Shelterprod | Supported by Théâtre de Liège, Théâtre de Châtillon, Taxshelter Belgien, Wallonie-Bruxelles International
Concept, Choreography: Nicole Mossoux | Artistic direction: Nicole Mossoux, Patrick Bonté | Performance, Artistic co-creation: Juan Benítez, Dounia Depoorter, Thomas Dupal, Yvain Juillard, Frauke Mariën, Fernando Martin, Isabelle Lamouline, Shantala Pèpe, Candy Saulnier, Fatou Traore, Eva Ponties-Domeneghetty | Vocal design: Jean Fürst | Sound design: Thomas Turine | Puppets, Costumes, Décor: Natacha Belova | Lighting design: Patrick Bonté | Masks: Loïc Nebreda, Audrey Robin | Prostheses: Laurent Couline | Stage Construction: Mikha Wajnrych | Assistence: Anaïs Grandamy, Sébastien Chollet | Technical director: Jean-Jacques Deneumoustier | Production: Marion Couturier | Tourmanagement: Manon Dumonceaux, Thérèse Coriou
A horde of men and women, just like out of a Goya painting. Augmented and transfigured by their puppet doubles, they see their link with reality slip away and take on absurd forms. “The Great He-Goat“ is one of the major paintings from the “Pinturas Negras“ series and an impressive testimony to Goya’s late work. Just like the paintings themselves, the latest production by Compagnie Mossoux-Bonté reflects on dark fantasies, fears and delusions.