Numen Company | Germany

Mon. 27.05. – 18:30
Experimentiertheater | Tickets
Wed. 29.05. – 20:00
Tafelhalle | Tickets
ca. 55 min
without words
Puppet Theatre
In Co-production with Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes Charleville-Mézières, TJP – Centre dramatique national d’Alsace, Figurteatret i Nordland, Manège – Scène Nationale de Reims, Espace Jéliote, scène conventionnée arts de la marionnette / Communauté de communes du Piémont Oloronais, Théâtre des 4 Saisons, scène conventionnée musique(s) / Ville de Gradignan, Schaubude Berlin, T-Werk Potsdam | With support from Fonds Transfabrik – deutsch-französischer Fonds für darstellende Künste, Mouffetard – Théâtre des arts de la marionnette de Paris, Centre de la Marionnette de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles à Tournai
Staging, Concept, Décor, Puppets: Uta Gebert | Perfomers: Uta Gebert, Laura Siegmund | Music: Hahn Rowe | Lighting design: Jérôme Houlès, Uta Gebert | Dramatic advisor: Meriam Bousselmi, Geeske Otten, Ruth Mariën | Costumes: Sonja Albartus | Artistic Assistance: Gabriel Hermand-Priquet, Ursula Gebert | Assistant producer, Communications: Sophie Galibert | Artistic and organisational support: Silvia Brendenal, Kathrin Rachow | Lighting and Sound (on tour): Jérôme Houlès, Paul Friedrich
“Solace“ presents the unique liaison between a child and strange, mysterious figures. Reminiscences and flashbacks of a forgotten past converge in a desert like space, creating images solely connected by memories. The resulting nonverbal dialogue between the living being and the objects, consisting only of gestures, raises questions about our own relationship to solitude and loneliness.
Supported by the NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ Guest Performance Fund for Theatre, which is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and the Departments of Culture and Arts of the German federal state.