MEINHARDT & KRAUSS cinematographic theatre | Germany
Robot Dreams

Sun. 26.05. – 19:30
Kulturforum Gr. Halle | Tickets
Mon. 27.05. – 20:00
Tafelhalle | Tickets
ca. 70 min
Object Theatre | Dance
In Co-production with IMAGINALE 2018, FITZ! Stuttgart and Schaubude Berlin | Supported by the City of Stuttgart, Landesverband Freie Tanz- und Theaterschaffende Baden-Württemberg, Stiftungen LBBW, FLAUSEN+ young artists in residence scholarship at Theater Wrede and Custom Entertainment Solutions
Performers: Luis Hergón, Daura Hernández García, Sawako Nunotani | Direction, Dramaturgy: Iris Meinhardt | Robotics, Stage: Michael Krauss | Music, Sound engineering: Oliver Frick | Programming: Nadja Weber | Assistant director: Tanja Höhne | Costumes: Kerstin Stahl | ToMoMi’s voice: Anna Illenberger
The boundaries between man and machine seem to blur more and more in the age of digitization. But how can you prove that you are not a robot when artificial intelligence assimilates progressively the human being? In “Robot Dreams“, three dancers meet automatons, robots and animatronic body parts and encounter the artificial intelligence ToMoMi. The performance skilfully merges high-tech, poetry, virtuality and physicality into a distinct theatrical language.
The performance on 26 May in Fürth is followed by an artist talk.