Romeo Castellucci / Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio | Italy
On the Concept of the Face, Regarding the Son of God

ca. 60 min
with few Italian words in German and English Translation
Visual Theatre | Drama
In co-production with Theater der Welt 2010, deSingel international arts campus Antwerpen, Théâtre National de Bretagne Rennes, National Theatre Oslo, SPILL Festival of Performance und Barbican London, Chekhov International Theatre Festival Moscow, Holland Festival, Athens Festival, GREC 2011, Festival de Barcelona, Festival d’Avignon, International Theatre Festival DIALOG Breslau, BITEF Belgrad, Foreign Affairs / Berliner Festspiele, Théâtre de la Ville Paris, Romaeuropa Festival, SPIELART München, Le-Maillon Théâtre de Strasbourg/Scène Européenne, TAP Théâtre Auditorium de Poitiers-Scène Nationale, Peak Performances @ Montclair State-USA | in cooperation with mit Centrale Fies/Dro
Concept, Staging: Romeo Castellucci | Performers: Gianni Plazzi, Sergio Scarlatella | Team: Andrei Daniel Benchea, Vito Matera, Silvano Voltolina | Music: Scott Gibbons | Sound: Alberto Irrera | Lighting: Luciano Trebbi |Children’s preparation: Silvano Voltolina | Props: Vito Matera | Object’s realisation, Décor: Istvan Zimmermann, Giovanna Amoroso | Collaboration Staging: Giacomo Strada | Management: Gilda Biasini, Benedetta Briglia, Giulia Colla
A frail old man is nursed by his son. His body bordering on decay. Grief, helplessness but also emotional attachment determine the exaggerated yet delicately poetic as well as radically artistic representation of a domestic scene. The deeply human suffering of the finiteness of existence, coupled with the individual tragedy of aging, is outshone by the gaze of Jesus.
The performance is followed by an artist talk with members of the company.