Theater Kuckucksheim | Germany
Glopf an die Himmelsdür – Ein fränkischer Western

Fri. 24.05. – 19:30
Kulturforum Gr. Halle | Tickets
Sat. 25.05. – 18:30
Glocken-Lichtspiele | Tickets
Sun. 26.05. – 16:00
Glocken-Lichtspiele | Tickets
Sun. 26.05. – 20:00
Glocken-Lichtspiele | Tickets
ca. 90 min
Puppet Theatre | Object Theatre | Theatre
Text: Helmut Haberkamm | Performance: Benjamin Seeberger, Stefan Kügel, Nando Seeberger | Director: Dietmar Staskowiak | Music: Dietmar Staskowiak, Winni Wittkopp, Band „Schleuse“ | Stage: Benjamin Seeberger and Team | Puppets: Frauke Lehmann Hössle | Video: Frederik Seeberger and Team
A father and his sons meet regularly in their basement party room, which they’ve transformed into a western style saloon, to play cowboys and Indians. Theater Kuckucksheim is premiering at the international with its new play “Glopf an die Himmelsdür“. The Play, staged with much wit and irony, is based on Western quotes as well as the Grimm Brother’s fairy tale “The Water of Life“.