Rabih Mroué | Lebanon
Sand in the Eyes

ca. 65 min
in English
Lecture Performance
A production by Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin as part of the project „100 Jahre Gegenwart“, supported by Beauftragter der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien | In co-production with Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden
Concept and Artistic realisation: Rabih Mroué | Research Advisor: Andrea Geissler | English translation: Ziad Nawfal
In his lecture-performance “Sand in the Eyes“, Lebanese artist Rabih Mroué explores the image politics of Islamist recruiting videos. Based on research material of recruiting videos secured by the German Intelligence Services, Mroué asks what these videos reveal about their producers or the videos’ capacity to engage young people for the means of Islamist propaganda.
Besides his Lecture-Performance “Sand in the Eyes“, Rabih Mroué will also present the documentary theatre “Rima Kamel” – a sophisticated and very personal piece about the moving biography of famous singer Rima Khcheich closely intertwined with the history of his war-torn home country Lebanon.