Das Papiertheater Nürnberg | Germany
Das entwaffnende Pferd

Sun. 26.05. – 16:00
Kulturpunkt Bruck
Wed. 29.05. – 16:00
Bürgertreff Isar 12
Thu. 30.05. – 11:00
Bürgertreff Die Villa
About the cunning ruse of global disarmament
ca. 50 min
For children, adolescents and adults that used to be children once |
admission free!
Object Theatre
In cooperation with Objektif Theaterhaus e. V. | In the framework of the project “Konferenz der Kinder” | Concept: Johannes Volkmann | Performance: Johannes Volkmann, Cihan Kente, David Schuster | Director: Arnd Schimkat
Through their project “Children’s Conference“ Johannes Volkmann and his team became aware that a major concern for children is to stop war and disarm the world. This production is based on the tale of the Trojan Horse and contrasts it with the concept of “The Disarming Horse“. A wooden plate is transformed into a collecting box for plastic weapons. After the performance, the box will stay put to be further filled by children and teens.