Christoph Bochdansky + ohnetitel | Austria
Intakte Bewohner desolater Städte

Wed. 29.05. – 17:00
Theater in der Garage | Tickets
Wed. 29.05. – 22:00
Theater in der Garage | Tickets
ca. 75 min
Puppet Theatre | Drama | Vaudeville
Performance: Thomas Beck, Christoph Bochdansky, Dorit Ehlers | Stage: Arthur Zgubic, Alois Ellmauer | Costumes: Hilde Böhm, Lili Pfeiffer | Puppets: Christoph Bochdansky | Production: Sabine Jenichl | Creative development: ohnetitel (Thomas Beck, Dorit Ehlers, Arthur Zgubic), Christoph Bochdansky
What does the world revolve around? And in which direction does it turn? Backwards, facing the same old catastrophes? Or forwards, facing new downfalls? Since the beginning of time, people have been designing maps to get the world under control. The results are as colourful, imaginative and shrill as a variety theatre in Paris in the 19th century. Welcome to the world theatre “Cape of Good Hope“ – where the art of illusion and great world concepts converge!