TAMTAM objektentheater | Netherlands
Ein unbemerkter Augenblick

Sun. 26.05. – 15:00
Kulturforum Kl. Saal | Tickets
Sun. 26.05. – 17:00
Kulturforum Kl. Saal | Tickets
Sun. 26.05. – 21:00
Kulturforum Kl. Saal | Tickets
ca. 35 min
Adults and ages 8+ | without words
Object Theatre
Script, Performance: Gérard Schiphorst, Marije van der Sande | Music, Soundtrack: Gérard Schiphorst | Assistant producer: Yi Ling Hung, Maarten Vergouwen | Workshop assistant : Rob de Vos, Willem Bedeker | Advise: Henk Boerwinkel
TAMTAM objektentheater from the Netherlands produces visual theatre performances since 1979. “Ein unbemerkter Augenblick“ (An Unguarded Moment) shows the change of a landscape: Metamorphosis and unexpected developments with worn and knotty stumps from 100-year-old lime trees. They are both scenery and actors in this moving play. The weathered wooden creatures come to life in a surprising way. Assisted by found objects they tell a riveting story of poetic beauty.