Theater Gustavs Schwestern | Switzerland
Konrad, das Kind aus der Konservenbüchse

ca. 50 min
Ages 5+
Puppet Theatre
Performance: Sibylle Grüter, Jacqueline Surer | Director: Tristan Vogt | Puppets, Décor: Sibylle Grüter
Theater Gustavs Schwestern, who captured their young audiences with their adaptation of “Piggeldy and Frederick“ in 2015 is back for this year’s festival edition and even better – they are bringing two shows this time. Their newest production “Konrad“ – directed by Tristan Vogt of Thalias Kompagnons – about a well-behaved boy that needs to turn into a snotty brat, as well as a funny tale presenting a hungry fox meeting a witty rabbit.
The performance is presented with German sign language interpretation.