Thalias Kompagnons | Germany
Der Karneval der Tiere

by Camille Saint-Saëns
ca. 60 min
Ages 6+ and adults
Drawing Concert
In coproduction with Tafelhalle Nürnberg.
Narrator: Tristan Vogt | Live-Drawingi: Joachim Torbahn | Music: ensemble KONTRASTE | Text edition: Michael Quast
Whether ducks dressed in self-made lion furs, mice in diving suits or a pug in a frilled shirt and velvet trousers – at the “Carnival of the Animals“ there is a lot going on! The story, musically told by Romantic composer Camille Saint-Saëns with great imagination, is also an acoustic celebration – each animal is represented by a different instrument. To the beat of the music, Joachim Torbahn translates with brush and colour the animals’ attempt at a fancy appearance.