Rimini Protokoll | Germany
Bubble Jam

Tue. 21.05. – 11:30
Tafelhalle | Tickets
Tue. 21.05. – 18:00
Tafelhalle | Tickets
Wed. 22.05. – 11:30
Tafelhalle | Tickets
Tue. 04.06. – 16:00
Markgrafensaal | Tickets
ca. 90 min
for adolescents 12+
Cloud-Performance with Smartphones
Produced by Onassis Cultural Centre and Rimini Apparat | Coproduced with The Cultural Schoolbag Norway / DKS Asker (Asker municipality) and the international figuren.theater.festival | Supported with funds by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kultur im Großraum
Concept, Director: Daniel Wetzel | Text: Nikolas Hanakoulas, Giorgos Panagiotakis, Daniel Wetzel | Space Design: Dido Gkogkou | Light: Guy Stefanou | Softwaresystem Design and Implementation: Dimitris Trakas (ViRA) | Grafics: Dimitris Trakas, Renia Papathanasiou (ViRA) | Sounddesign: Lambros Pigounis | Dramaturgy Script-Coding: Andreas G. Andreou, Kostis Kapidakis | Logo: Dido Gkogkou | Project Coordination: Nikos Voyatzis | Assistance Space design: Kristin Brechler | Assistance Space: Iliana Kaladami | Assistance Sound: Stefanos Siminelakis | Advisory Psychologist: Florentia Bakomitrou | Production Manager: Juliane Männel, Yalena Kleidara | Technische Leitung: Martin Schwemin
German Premiere
Who is on the other end of the internet? How does an algorithm work? Is anyone or anything giving us directions? “Bubble Jam“ is a game platform – test players follow the chat of developers and respond to their directions and questions. The game analyses the players’ responses and identifies who should be discussing together. Questions, derived from poll results, determine the game’s process: Who is playing? And who is being played?
Additional performances for schools.