Pieter Ampe / CAMPO | Belgium
So you can feel

ca. 60 min
with some English language
A production by CAMPO | In coproduction with: Moving in November Helsinki, Kaaitheater Brüssel, BIT Teatergarasjen Bergen | Many thanks to: Juan Betancurth, Sarah Bleasdale, Rickard Borgström, Tim Darbyshire, Michael Dudeck, Nuno Lucas, Jessica Massart, Tommy Noonan, Boris Zeebroek
By and from: Pieter Ampe | Music: Jakob Ampe |Outside eyes: Jakob Ampe, Pol Heyvaert, Laura Eva Meuris, Femke Platteau | Coaching: Alain Platel, Sarah Thom | Technical Supervision: Piet Depoortere
Are we aware of how others perceive us? What energy emanates through our bodies? Do we need to be liberated? Pieter Ampe will find out. The chance that he will seduce you with grand gestures is very possible, but the regained sensuality could be no less externalised by subtle hip movements. In any case, it is a solo performance to eagerly look forward to: the coming of age of a man and his body.