Laia RiCa | El Salvador / Germany
Kaffee mit Zucker? [Coffee with Sugar?]

ca. 50 min
Material Theatre
A production of Laia RiCa | Supported by the Individual Project funding of the Senate administration for Culture and Europe | Research was supported through the Residency Program Schloss Bröllin, Fidena Residency Program and TakeCare Residency/Neustart Kultur (Schaubude Berlin)
Concept, Artistic Direction, Text, Performance: Laia RiCa | Dramaturgy: Antonio Cerezo | Live music: Yahima Piedra Córdova | Video art: Daniela del Pomar | Artistic Collaboration: Leicy Valenzuela | Set design, Costume design: Marian Nketiah | Lighting design: Vanessa Farfán | Production direction: Laia RiCa
Join the Live-Stream on Sunday, 16 May at 6 pm here
“Kaffee mit Zucker?” is a project combining material performance, biographical and contemporary documentary theater. The raw materials coffee and sugar define the stage in their most varied aggregate states. Starting here, the history of German immigration and colonialism in Central America and continuing to the present day are negotiated.
The performer Laia RiCa grew up in El Salvador and Germany. At the German school in El Salvador she experienced how persistent colonial patterns reach even the present day. She brings this realization and her personal experience of growing up between two cultures into the piece. Wrestling with two worlds, constant suspicion of betraying one’s “roots,” scrutinizing feelings of inferiority and superiority and the open question of what one should do with one’s awareness of global injustice.
In this Tryout a visually powerful, sensual and dense production emerges out of coffee beans and cotton candy, biographical material and historical sources, video fragments and live music.
Passages spoken in german will be subtitled in Spanish.
Following the performance there will be a discussion with the artists, moderated by Dr. Dorothea Pachale of the Institut für Theater- und Medienwissenschaft of the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg. Art and Cultural Studies expert and artist Verena Melgarejo Weinandt and documentary filmmaker Uli Stelzner (“Die Zivilisationsbringer,” 1998) will join the conversation digitally. The talk will be in German.