
figures objects images
22nd international figuren.theater.festival
erlangen nuremberg fürth
may 7 to 16 2021

From May 7 to 16, the predominatly digital edition of the 22nd international figuren.theater.festival invites you to discover a whole range of innovative and creative formats that have developed in the field of virtual theatre in recent months. In around twenty elaborate projects – encounters on the phone, instagames, interactive performances, short films, lecture performances and live streams, most of them developed explicitly for virtual spaces – companies from Germany, Austria, El Salvador, France, Israel, Turkey, the USA and Switzerland will present an extensive programme that can be experienced at home, online or strolling through the festival cities.

The festival has been revamped three times. Even the last planned special edition with installations, performative one-on-one encounters, events for small groups and many interventions in public spaces cannot take place as planned at the moment. However, the publication of the complete programme is accompanied by the promise that we will try to present all announced projects and events as soon as this is possible again. The festival continues to reinvent itself and becomes an annual programme!

Advance booking starts on April 24.

Information in English on all productions presented without language or as a foreign language version can be found in the programme section under without words and foreign language. For detailed information on all festival productions, please see the German website version. Information on postponed events to follow shortly.

For more information on past festivals from 2001 to 2019 please visit our archive.


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