Figurentheater Wilde & Vogel | Germany
Sibirien [Siberia]
Fri. 26.05. – 22:00
Glocken-Lichtspiele | Tickets
Sat. 27.05. – 18:30
Glocken-Lichtspiele | Tickets
ca. 70 min
Puppet Theatre
Coproduction: FITZ! Zentrum für Figurentheater Stuttgart, Lindenfels Westflügel Leipzig | Funded by: Cultural Office of the City of Leipzig, Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony, Landesverband Freier Theater Baden-Württemberg e. V. funded through the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts of the states of Baden-Württemberg
Performer, stage, puppets: Michael Vogel | Live music: Charlotte Wilde, Konrad Schreiter (Special Guest on May 26) | Director: Christiane Zanger | Assistant: Maria Koch
In the boundlessness of Siberia’s landscape, its endless void, cold and apparent hostility Wilde & Vogel find the ideal stage to ponder human boundaries. Surrounded by solitude without any distraction, the unpredictable unravels as we are confronted with nothing but ourselves – trapped in our inner Siberia. How do we spend our time? What can we sustain when no one is watching? What are we longing for? Inspired by travel experiences and poetic memories, a musical universe unfolds and human existence is stripped to its core.