Kulunka Teatro | Spain

Wed. 24.05. – 19:30
Stadttheater Fürth | Tickets
Thu. 25.05. – 18:30
Redoutensaal | Tickets
Sat. 27.05. – 20:00
Category I
Tafelhalle | Tickets
ca. 85 min
without words
Mask Theatre
Story: José Dault, Garbiñe Insausti, Iñaki Rikarte, Edu Cárcamo, Rolando San Martín Cárcamo | Performed by: José Dault, Garbiñe Insausti, Edu Cárcamo | Director: Iñaki Rikarte | Composition, music: Luis Miguel Cobo | Stage, costumes: Ikerne Giménez | Masks: Garbiñe Insausti |Lighting design: Carlos Samaniego
German Premiere
The protagonist in “Solitudes“, like many old people for whom life has become a long waiting game, only looks forward to the small things in life. Yet, while nobody understands his appreciation for the small pleasures and their importance, he does not give up and searches for the meaningfulness in his routines and thus his very dignity. A journey through everyday universes and the importance of appreciation.