Theater Kuckucksheim | Germany
We are the Champions – Mir sinn die Größdn

Eine fränkische Viecherei mit saustargen Songs
ca. 90 min
Puppet Theatre | Concert
Text: Helmut Haberkamm | Cast: Benjamin Seeberger, Stefan Kügel, Nando Seeberger | Director: Dietmar Staskowiak | Music: “Rockoldies” played by Dietmar Staskowiak and the band „Schleuse“ | Stage: Benjamin Seeberger and Team | Puppets: Frauke Lehmann-Hößle
Three stranded Franconians are on their way to Bamberg in order to find town musicians. Because they can find something better than death anywhere… “Smashing Songs” accompany them and serve to comfort their soul, and this is how apparent losers outgrow themselves. In the end they have changed and can sing from the bottom of their souls: “Mir sinn die Größdn!“…“We are the greatest!“