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Eine Bühne mit einer Leinwand und Papierbögen mit Fotos auf dem Boden. Auf die Leinwand wird ein Strandfoto projiziert, daneben stehen zwei Männer, die ein Foto unter eine Kamera halten.
A stage with a screen and sheets of paper with photos on the floor. A photo of a beach is projected onto the screen. Two men stand next to it, they hold a photo under a camera.
© Thomas Faverjon
A stage with a screen on which the paper cut of a child and a pony are projected. A man is kneeling in the foreground filming small paper cutouts on a table.
© Thomas Faverjon
A stage with a screen and sheets of paper with photos on the floor. A photo of two men conversing on the beach is projected onto the screen. Two men stand next to it, they draw under a camera.
© Thomas Faverjon