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Eine Person liegt weit gestreckt auf einer dunklen Bühne und führt eine tänzerische Bewegung durch. Hinter ihr steht eine nach vorne gebeugtee Person mit einer großen Skelletmaske mit Kopf- und Bartbehaarung.
A person lies stretched out on a dark stage and performs a dancing movement. Behind her, a person stands bent forward, while carrying a large skelleton mask with head and beard hair.
© Dana Ersing
A person wearing a red jacket, pointed cap and a grinning mask, is stretching her right arm forward in the right foreground of the picture. Behind her are two people playing instruments.
© Johann Kressin
A woman sits on the floor and supports herself with her left arm, while stretching her right arm into the air. Next to her stands a person who is stretching both arms away from his body while looking upward. A large skellet mask with head and beard hair hovers where its head is meant to be. Behind them a band is playing several instruments.
© Dana Ersing