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Vier Personen sitzen in einer Reihe an einem Holztisch. Sie tragen alle graue Kleidung und eine große Maske aus Pappe, während jeder auf eine andere Weise gestikuliert.
Four people sitting in a row at a wooden table. They’re all wearing grey clothing and a big paper cutout masks while each is gesturing in a different way.
© Lutz Edelhoff
Four people in red headscarves and gray shirts look intently at a small paper puppet of a man hanging between them.
© Lutz Edelhoff
A person with a red headscarf, round glasses and gray shirt stands in the foreground of the picture holding a mean looking cat puppet. Next to him is a blackboard with a train drawn onto it, and a paper puppet in a wooden frame.
© Lutz Edelhoff
Performance includes an intermission