Vier Personen vor schwarzem Hintergrund auf der unteren Hälfte des Bildes. Zwei strecken ihre Hände nach oben, eine pfeift und die Letzte steht etwas weiter hinten und spielt die Geige. Über ihnen fliegt eine aufgeblasene Plastiktüte, von der lange, dünne Plastikstreifen hinunterhängen.
Four people in front of a black background. The one in front is gesturing with his hands, while a woman is playing the violin to his right. The last two are reaching up towards an inflated plastic bag with long, thin plastic strips hanging from it.
© Dana Ersing
Cutout of a person playing the violin with only her hands. A fish-like creature floating next to her is holding the violin bow in its mouth. Behind it, there is a person standing on a wooden stool.
© Dana Ersing
Four people in front of a black background filling the lower half of the picture. Two are stretching their hands upwards, one is whistling and the last one is playing the violin while standing abit further back. An inflated plastic bag is flying above them, from which long, thin plastic strips are hanging down.
© Dana Ersing