Eine dunkle Bühne, auf die vom linken Bildrand aus ein helles, orangefarbenes Licht scheint. Auf der Bühne befinden sich ein Mikrofon mit einem Ständer, an dem ein Kopfhörer hängt, sowie verschiedene Konstruktionen aus gelben Bauklötzen. Der Text
A dark stage, with a bright orange light shining onto it from the left border of the picture. A microphone, including a stand with a pair of headphones hanging from it, as well as various structures built from yellow building blocks are placed on stage. A projection in the background says: „The audience: As lights rise/ The city hums with the sound of work“
© Alex Brenner
Several people build constructions from yellow building blocks on a black stage.
© Alex Brenner
A woman wearing headphones on a dark stage with her hands on her hips. In front of her is a microphone, and around her are several constructions made of yellow building blocks. Behind her the text
© Alex Brenner