Ein Mann in weißer Kleidung sitzt im Schneidersitz auf dem Boden, der mit Weizensaat bedeckt ist. Er streckt seinen Arm nach vorne und formt eine Waffe mit seiner Hand. Vor ihm steht ein Bild von einem Kind und einem Mann, sowie ein Einmachglas mit Erde.
A man in white clothing is sitting cross-legged on the ground, which is covered in wheat seed. He is stretching his arm forward and forms a weapon with his hand. In front of him a picture of a child and a man is placed, as well as a jar filled with earth.
© Thomas Lenden
: A man in white clothing is sitting cross-legged on the floor, which is covered in wheat seed. In front of him are two small model houses and a jar of soil. Several small signs with various captions are placed in front of him. Behind him, a house with the caption
© Thomas Lenden