Ein Mann mit Maske und grünem Kapuzenpullover kniet im Rampenlicht einer ansonsten dunklen Bühne. Er hält ein dickes Seil über seinen Kopf, welches kreisförmig um ihn herum auf dem Boden liegt.
A man wearing a mask and a green hoodie is kneeling in the spotlight of an otherwise dark stage. He is holding a thick rope above his head, which lies in a circle around him on the floor.
© Marvin Wilson
A man wearing a face mask and green hooded sweatshirt, whose face is almost entirely wrapped in thick rope.
© Marvin Wilson
A man wearing a mask and a green hoodie is lying on the ground in a hunched posture. He is stretching his left arm in the air while looking after it. He is surrounded by a thick rope lying on the ground.
© Marvin Wilson