Fünf als Vogelscheuchen verkleidete Personen sitzen vor weißem Hintergrund auf Strohballen. Drei spielen Instrumente und einer spricht in ein Megaphon, während der Letzte zuschaut. Um sie herum sind mehrere Tierattrappen, sowie Leuchtröhren die den Schriftzug
Five people dressed as scarecrows are sitting on straw bales in front of a white background. Three are playing instruments, one is speaking into a megaphone and the last is standing by and watching. Several fake animals, as well as light tubes spelling out „FARM FATALE“ are propped up around them.
© Martin Argyroglo
Three people dressed as scarecrows. The person on the far right is holding a pitchfork with a microphone to the person on the far left who is speaking into it.
© Martin Argyroglo
Two people dressed as scarecrows in front of a white background. One leans against a vertically positioned keyboard, the other holds a pitchfork with pieces of metal. Hay bales and a dummy pig are placed around them.
© Martin Argyroglo