Please find current press information regarding the 23rd international below. Should you wish to receive additional information, visual material or register for our press distribution list, please contact the festival at presse[at] and include your full name, company, postal address, as well as your telephone number and email address.
Contact: Annika Gloystein
Press Releases
Press Release | 5 April 2023 – The Programme
Press Photos
Below you can find current visual material regarding the 23rd international 2023, as well as our logo and festival posters. Download files are provided as JPEGs in RGB-format.
Permission to download and use the following pictures is restricted to journalists/media representatives covering the international – please make sure to always indicate the respective copyright credits.

int. – Logo schwarzweiß – left
JPG / Size: 200 KB

int. – Logo schwarzweiß – right
JPG / Size: 200 KB

23. int. – Poster 01
JPG / Size: 856 KB

23. int. – Poster 02
JPG / Size: 860 KB

Berliner Ensemble (DE)
Brechts Gespenster
Copyright: Jörg Brüggemann
JPG / Size: 400 KB

Bühne Cipolla (DE)
Aufzeichnungen aus dem Kellerloch
Copyright: Benjamin Eichler
JPG / Size: 320 KB

Cristina Casadio (IT/DE)
Copyright: Günter Krämmer
JPG / Size: 290 KB

Compagnie 111 / Aurélien Bory (FR)
Copyright: Aglaé Bory
JPG / Size: 213 KB

Compagnie Mossoux-Bonté (BE)
Les Arrière-Mondes [Hinterwelten]
Copyright: Julien Lambert
JPG / Size: 383 KB

Figurentheater Wilde & Vogel (DE) + Christoph Bochdansky (AT) + COV Compagnie Off Verticality (AT)
Der Reigen
Copyright: Dana Ersing
JPG / Size: 451 KB

half past selber schuld (IL/DE/US)
What Robots Need To Learn
Copyright: Christian Ahlborn
JPG / Size: 339 KB

Studio Julian Hetzel (DE/NL) + Ntando Cele (ZA/CH)
Copyright: Alexandra Masmanidi
JPG / Size: 1.134 KB

Hotel Modern & Arthur Sauer (NL)
Our Empire
Copyright: Bas Czerwinski
JPG / Size: 409 KB

Laia RiCa / KMZ Kollektiv (SV/MX/CU/ES/DE)
Fünf Exponate
Copyright: INBAL/CITRU. Foto: Gabriel Morales
JPG / Size: 256 KB

L’étendue – Renaud Herbin (FR)
Par les bords [An den Rändern]
Copyright: Benoît Schupp
JPG / Size: 451 KB

Meinhardt & Krauss cinematic theatre (DE)
ELIZA uncanny love
Copyright: Michael Krauss
JPG / Size: 234 KB

Chloé Moglia / Rhizome (FR)
Copyright: Johann Walter
JPG / Size: 340 KB

Wanjiku Mwawuganga (KE)
Copyright: Njoroge Muthoni
JPG / Size: 206 KB

Nicole Beutler Projects (DE/NL)
GINKGO or: 56 million years ago there were palm trees on the North Pole
JPG / Size: 651 KB

Nico and the Navigators (DE)
Du musst Dein Leben rendern!
Copyright: Yui Kawaguchi
JPG / Size: 360 KB

Numen Company / Tibo Gebert (DE)
Copyright: Günter Wolters
JPG / Size: 441 KB

Petrikor Danse / Bettina Szabo (UY/CA)
Copyright: Denis Martin
JPG / Size: 281 KB

Philippe Quesne / Vivarium Studio (FR)
Farm Fatale
Copyright: Martin Argyroglo
JPG / Size: 703 KB

Andrea Salustri (IT/DE)
Copyright: Milan Szypura
JPG / Size: 369 KB

Stuffed Puppet / Neville Tranter (AU/NL)
Ubu – Verrückt, einfach so Macht zu haben
Copyright: Wim Sitvast
JPG / Size: 467B

Tangram Kollektiv (DE/FR)
Copyright: Florian Feisel
JPG / Size: 285 KB

Thalias Kompagnons (DE)
Wenn Ferdinand nachts schlafen geht
Copyright: Jutta Missbach
JPG / Size: 594 KB

Abhishek Thapar (IN/NL)
My home at the Intersection
Copyright: Thomas Lenden
JPG / Size: 426 KB

Theater Chemnitz (DE)
So glücklich, dass du Angst bekommst
Copyright: Dieter Wuschanski
JPG / Size: 771 KB

Theater Waidspeicher (DE)
Der Meister und Margarita
Copyright: Lutz Edelhoff
JPG / Size: 584 KB