florschütz & döhnert | Germany
Big Box & kleines Orchester [Big Box & Small Orchestra]

ca. 20 min
without words | ages 4+ and adults
In co-production with T-Werk Potsdam, Nova Villa Reims Frankreich, TAK Theater Liechtenstein, Escher Theater Luxemburg, Rotondes Luxemburg, Très Tôt Théâtre, scène conventionnée Art Enfance Jeunesse – Quimper | Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin and Bezirksamt Pankow Berlin | Supported by Schaubude Berlin, Brotfabrik Bonn
Idea, Performance, Décor, Objects: Michael Döhnert, Melanie Florschütz | Artistic cooperation, Lighting design: Joachim Fleischer | Developed in a Team | Costumes: Adelheid Wieser | Composition, Sound: Michael Döhnert
There is a large box on the stage: like a huge packing, a telephone booth, a workshop, a lift, a changing room … streetlamps grow out of the box. A tiny conductor pushes himself across the stage and sets the pace. A couple dances. A dog leash pulls a hat off a head. The box tips over, preferring to be a table …
What connections are made for which reason and how do they influence each other? What kind of invisible force sets things in motion, creates contexts and lets stories unfold. Amazing, puzzling and making you chuckle. Between manipulation and autonomy, everything starts to play together on stage: light, music, people and objects.
Participating at the international figuren.theater.festival in Erlangen in 2019 with their performance “Elektrische Schatten”, florschütz & döhnert now give a scenic insight into the development of their new stage play.
The tryout is followed by an artist talk, hosted by Dr.Hans-Friedrich Bormann of the Institute for Theater and Media Studies at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg.